Elbrus expeditions. Trekking and ski-touring in the Mount Elbrus area. Caucasus Mountains, Russia. Mt Elbrus climb. gb@geographicbureau.com phone: +7 921 427-24-42 Postal address: 197110, P.O. Box 62, St Petersburg, Russia

over 35 years experiance

Elbrus Elbrus Elbrus Elbrus

Weather conditions and clothes

Good clothing and mountain equipment are essential for a safe and enjoyable trip; special attention should be paid to skies, rucksack, bindings, skins, footwear and socks. Your leader will hold a briefing prior to the start of the skiing to go through the itinerary and to check any other relevant matter such as equipment. If necessary ropes will be available and guides will ask you to put them on when crossing dangerous terrain. Should you feel a need for the security of a rope at other times you must ask the guide to provide it. The weather on Mount Elbrus can deteriorate rapidly and storms can be very violent. If the guide recommends turning back please accept his judgment. Skiing accidents in remote regions have very serious implications. Emergencies in the hills are usually dealt with efficiently, but medical facilities are not up to Western European standards. In the interests of the safety and well-being of the group the leader’s decisions will be final. If for some unforeseen problem you have to curtail your trip you will be accompanied back to the base hotel or nearest and most appropriate airport. No refund can be made on a trip cut short in this way. In this case and if you leave the group on your own volition you will have to meet the extra costs incurred.